With a spacious cabin and room for up to eight people, the Pathfinder is a capable family hauler but lacks the off-road skills of some competitors.
RankS AvailablePrologue LocationCaves under Kenabres AlignmentLawful Good Azata Pretty much a direct opposite to Aeons. They embody freedom and expression (cosmic hippies, more or less). On the practical side, you get an animal companion, some songs of dubious value, and superpowers. The powers...
Unchained Shadowdancer RequirementsTo qualify to become a shadowdancer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Feats: Improved Reposition, Dodge, Mobility. Skills: Stealth 5 ranks, Perform (dance) 5 ranks. Special: At least one of the following must be true Have visited the...
thus providing an incredibly robust arsenal of tools to handle a very large variety of situations while the mundanes are usually stuck barely having any tricks at all beyond full attacking and rolling skills if they have the ranks for it (and even then many spellcasters can outperform mundanes ...
Protection from Evil Unbound HP: +8 = Max -2 (6) + Con (2) Bound HP: +7 real = Max -2 (6) + Con (1) +9 temporary = Max -2 (8) + Con (1) Skill Pts: +6 = +2 (Class) +0 (Race) +3 (Old Total) +1 (Int) = +6 (New Total) Ranks Added: +1 Acrobatics, +1...
enjoy!! new feat for shield specialists: epic shield user, 10% to avoid damage from incoming attacks per rank (max 2 ranks) - this is NOT concealment and will protect from any form of incoming physical damage some more layers of protection have been added to the new 'careful with pet' ...
Versatile performance works closer to pnp: bards can either receive a number of ranks equal to 1/2 bard level in specific skill for free and use charisma as skill stat, or choose martial performance or a masterpiece, Archaelogist receives rogue talents at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20, ...
Arbitrament was chosen for the fact there are loads of neutral companions, so you shouldn’t have many problems filling the ranks. Angel can break spellbooks; it’s a visual glitch fixed by save-load. Overview Role Control/Bruiser Race Human Alignment Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good Skills ...
Burn It Down!* Base attack bonus +1, goblin Nearby allies with this feat grant a cumulative +1 bonus (max +4) on damage with certain fire attacks Burn Rider Mounted Combat, Ride 6 ranks, Handle Animal 6 ranks Gain fire resistance while mounted Burn! Burn! Burn! Disable Device 1 rank,...
Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Contact team@roll20.net if critical hotfixes need to be requested. - roll20-character-sheets/Pathfinder (Old)/pathfinder-old.html at master · spingle/roll20-character-sheets