1Gods and curses 2Creatures and curses 3Spells and curses 4Disease and curses 5Removing curses 6List of curses Toggle List of curses subsection 6.1Adella curse 6.2Bestow curse spell 6.3Birthing Death 6.4The Bleaching 6.5Coward's Curse 6.6Creature curses 6.7Creeping Senility 6.8...
↑1.01.1Sean K Reynolds.Gods and Magic, 112.Paizo Inc.,2008 ↑Logan Bonner, et al.“8: TheAge of Lost Omens” inCore Rulebook, 441.Paizo Inc.,2019 ↑This link directs you to the well-curated list of domains at the Archives of Nethys website. ...
Welcome friends! We are now checks watch about 26 days away from the release of War of Immortals, and there’s… GeneralPathfinder & StarfinderWarhammer Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist: T’au Farsight’s “Suits & Kroots” Oct 4, 2024 ...
List of contents Small (and smaller) Agathion, silvanshee Agathion, vulpinal Asura, saukeen Beheaded, flaming skull Beheaded, severed head Clockwork spy Coral capuchin (2) Demon, brimorak Demon, dretch (2) Div, doru Duende Elemental, air wisp Elemental, earth wisp Elemental, fire wisp Eleme...
“people of influence” within Society circles. The Decemvirate themselves wear masks that both physically and magically conceal their identities, so their section is more about their leadership in general; the list of NPCs is more of a hard lore-dump a GM can use to create touc...
Oracle gets the divine power from many gods, so as compared to other spellcasters, they can cast more magical spells. They can be useful for weakening the enemies, thus making them more vulnerable. With the progress of the level, they can learn new spells. ...
I think Uchawi has a point about making a list of negative RP features for all the stats has a bit of merit. sometimes the race and stat help establish this (im thinking low str halflings here) other times its less obvious (an elf with an 8 CON but who has the desert runner trait...
Now, I could probably name another 20 monsters and you’d like some of them and maybe have others you think I should’ve put higher on my list, but I think that gets you an idea of the feel of this book. It’s a little more exotic than the other two Bestiaries, but that’s n...
That's a mistake. It's a pretty small one, though—if you've already built your deck with those cards, don't worry about it! Resolution:On page 21 of the rulebook, replace Kyra's and Seelah's Half-Plate with Chain Mail, and replace Harsk's Starknife with a Sling. ...
Fresh off the back of that Scott Bean suggested another mass project of Paladin Oaths – one for each of the 48 primary gods of the Forgotten Realms setting. A dozen or more authors signed on and we got to talking. The project grew, as we decided it really should include Cleric Domains...