The Puzzle Box Companions Amiri Ekundayo Harrim Jaethal Jubilost Kalikke Kanerah Linzi Nok-Nok Octavia Regongar Tristian Valerie Retrieved from "" Categories: Kingmaker (CRPG) Aiuvarin/Inhabitants Chaotic good inhabitants Numeria...
Mods for Pathfinder: Kingmaker Eldritch Arcana (work in progress) This mod adds the Oracle class, new spells, magic-themed feats, character traits, and other fun things from PnP Pathfinder. Note: this was last tested against the PF:K 1.3.0. While I tried to test everything, some feature...
Uses the old Kingmaker “feature” of Eldritch Knight giving us Greater Spell Access at Eldritch Archer Caster Level 19. Wasn’t incredibly useful there, but here there are a lot more reasons to go for it, and go we do. Important Devil abilities Decree of Illusion/Evocation/Conjuration - ...
In addition, this armor grants its wearer immunity to fire and acid. Act 4, Middle City, Puzzle in the lower right Barding of Elder Beasts Heavy Barding This +3 full barding grants its wearer a +4 natural armor enhancement bonus to AC and a +3 bonus to CMB against large and ...