A new playable class. They master the raw power of the elements, channeling it into their wild talents to manipulate the world around them. Kineticists are living conduits of primal energy, deadly both in close and ranged combat. A new companion. If you combine a race with a class, you ...
They master the raw power of the elements, channeling it into their wild talents to manipulate the world around them. Kineticists are living conduits of primal energy, deadly both in close and ranged combat.• A new companion. If you combine a race with a class, you get a character. We...
• A new playable class. They master the raw power of the elements, channeling it into their wild talents to manipulate the world around them. Kineticists are living conduits of primal energy, deadly both in close and ranged combat.
Hex kineticist by Purple Duck Games (in Kineticists of Porphyra II, which is not yet available on PFSRD) gains a hex at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th, instead of utility wild talents. The kineticist is notable for not having spellcasting, and supposedly being “at wil...
Kinetic Chirurgeon looses wild talents instead of infusions/infusion specializations/metakinesis, Multiattack feat can be selected by any character, and it works for them the same way it would work for animal companion/eidolon (i.e. either reduces secondary attacks penalty to -2, or gives one ...
Kineticist.FixExpandedElementFocusfix missing talents and mastery when picking the same element focus multiple times📖✔️ Kineticist.PatchDarkElementalistfaster animation and use anywhere, but only out of combat🏠✔️ Kineticist.PatchDemonChargeDemon Charge also gathers power🏠✔️ ...
Kineticist Subclasses Blood Kineticist– In exchange for Infusion talents, they gain the ability to harm the blood of enemies. Dark Elementalist– Depends on the intelligence that they have and burns the nearby enemies. Elemental Engine– They burn as much as they can to gain bonuses. ...
Kineticist Elements Wild Talents Medium Spirits Medium Spells Mesmerist Mesmerist Spells Occultist Implement Schools Occultist Spells Psychic Psychic Disciplines Psychic Spells Spiritualist Spiritualist Spells Phantoms Racial Favored Class Options Chapter 2: Archetypes p. 86 Kineticist Medium Mesmeris...