Fully revised to match the new Pathfinder RPG rules, this definitive volume contains expanded coverage of the 40+ nations in the world of Golarion's Inner Sea region, from ruin-strewn Varisia in the north to the sweltering jungles of the Mwangi Expanse in the south to crashed sky cities, ...
Tea houses of Oppara are legendary both in the social and culinary world of the Inner Sea region, equalled only by the spiced teas of southeast Garund, where mint teas are so popular they have made their way to parts of Avistan. 8 When Kintargo was under martial law in 4715 AR, ...
The wintry realm of Irrisen has the highest concentration of witches, called winter witches, in the Inner Sea region, and it is here where they hold nearly all important stations in government. Outside of Irrisen, most witches live in small communities or on the fringes of society, where ...
Mammon's high priestess in the Inner Sea region is the centuries-old Isgeri noblewoman Lady Kaltessa Iyis.8 In the days of Thassilon, Mammon was worshipped by a particularly successful cult, albeit one that was officially frowned upon while secretly being bolstered by the runelords.9 Ind...
Two areas in theInner Sea regionare particularly known for their werecreature activity: the nation ofUstalav12and theDarkmoon Valein northwesternAndoran.1314In both areas, it is mainly werewolves that attack individuals or small groups who make their living in the forest, such as loggers and ...
This enormous 32-panel mega-map depicts the Inner Sea region of the Pathfinder world, marking thousands of towns, villages, castles, dungeons, and other intriguing locations drawn from the complete catalogue of Pathfinder offerings to date. All the key sites from all the Adventure Paths, all ...
Pathfinder Campaign Setting World Guide: The Inner Sea (Revised Edition) Fully Revised To Match The New Pathfinder Rpg Rules, This Definitive Volume Contains Expanded Coverage Of The 40+ Nations In The World Of Golarion's Inner Sea Region. A Broad Overview Of Golarion's Gods And Religions, ...
"Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Distant Shores Beyond the Inner Sea! It's time to leave familiar climes and tour the wider world! While most Pathfinder characters hail from the Inner Sea region biubiu专研 帕拉斯引擎2.0 帕拉斯加速引擎由biubiu团队倾力打造,面对当下网络游戏新变化与之产生的网络加...
From the infamous thieves' guilds of Absalom to the rebel networks of Galt, the poisoners of Daggermark to the secret courts of Taldor, cloakand-dagger plots manipulate fates across the Inner Sea region. WithPathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue, you'll learn the truth hidden beneath...
As it serves the same basic purpose as the Inner Sea Primer (which provides an overview of the Inner Sea region), it shares the same style of layout and structure as that book, with half-page entries on each of the nations and main regions, along with new races, archetypes and feats,...