Double Slice* Two-Weapon Fighting Add your Str bonus to off-hand damage rolls Two-Weapon Rend* Double Slice, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 Rend a foe hit by both your weapons Improved Two-Weapon Fighting* Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6 Gain additi...
Bashing Finish* Improved Shield Bash, Shield Master, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 Make a free shield bash after a critical hit Basic Harmony Bardic performance or raging song Grant improved bonuses on Perform when aiding another Bat Shape Cha 13, werebat-kin Change shape into a...
Tower Shield Specialist– As the name suggests, this subclass is an expert at Defensive skills at the cost of Weapon Training. Two-Handed Fighter– This subclass depends on two-handed weapons to gain access to several skills. It cannot do Armor Training or Weapon Training. Hunter This class f...
Second Feat: Two weapon Fighting Monk bonus Feat: Dodge Spells: Irori Alignment: Any Warrior of the Holy Light Paladin Build Healing and causing huge damage against evil are the two best things Paladins are good at. Their expertise is not limited to the one mentioned only. This class is rel...
Unarmed Strike can be used as an off-hand weapon if you have both Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Unarmed Strike feats, Full concealment now gives immunity to precision damage, Increased cost of using sensei ki powers on single ally by 1 and on all allies by 2, ...
MartialArt.CreateProdigiousTwoWeaponFightingcombat feat: use STR for TWF and always treat offhand as light📖✔️ MartialArt.CreateTwoWeaponRendcombat feat: deal extra damage, when attacking with offhand📖✔️ Monk.CreateFeralCombatTrainingbasic feat: Feral Combat Training🏠✔️ ...
feats have been improved drastically to compete with eldritch knights new [hint] for armorlist weaponlist armorinfo weaponinfo new hint for supplyorder new [hint] on BOTting new [hint]: henchmen, mercenaries added a bit more info and keywords to the PET helpfile new [hint]: multiplaying is...
Fighters deal a little less damage because channel-power attack is gone, but their improved AC and natural weapon bonuses, coupled with the depower of clerics/Druids, plus great fighter only high level feats make them amazing tanks. Pallys may almost be tier 1; mixing almost the level of...
Good evening and welcome fellow Children of ChaosYou keep adding traits to that starknife, try and convince me it isn't the dumbest weapon ever made。Anyway, some of the things I like。1) The racial feats, it is a good step in the right direction。 But I think you should just let ...