法术抗力(Spell Resistance):目标获得SR12+等级。 怪物召唤术V(Summon Monster V):召唤异界生物为你作战。 痛苦徽记M(Symbol of Pain):触发的符文让附近的生物感到痛苦。 睡眠徽记M(Symbol of Sleep):触发的符文让附近的生物陷入沉眠。 真知术M(True Seeing):让你看到事物的真实面貌。 邪居M(Unhallow)...
神聖冰川(Holy Ice)UM:創造由聖水之冰構成的牆壁或投槍。 快速修復(Rapid Repair)UM:構裝體獲得快速回復5。 譴責術(Reprobation)UM:被標記的目標被你的信仰所驅逐。 和諧(Serenity)UM:平和的感覺會傷害那些試圖使用暴力的人。 探知徽記M(Symbol of Scrying)UM:觸發徽記會激活探知感應器。
Divine spellcasters who devote themselves to the Protection domain defend others as well as themselves. They resist many types of harm, and with experience can share that resistance in the form of an aura.16 Repose See also:Subdomains,deities ...
So with the afore mentioned 8 negative levels, you get -8 to ability checks (which include Concentration), attack rolls, CMB/CMD, saving throws, skill checks; they also lose 40 HP and treated as 8 levels lower for level-dependent effects, which includes spell-resistance, concentration and re...
It’s worth mentioning that this spell is stationary if cast on a point in space and mobile if centered on an object or creature. However, this spell can be made void if creatures or attended objects use spell resistance or a saving throw. ...
4 Greater Invisibility, Echolocation, Restoration, Cure Critical, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement 5 Beast Shape III, Spell Resistance 6 Heal, Transformation, True Seeing, Legendary Proportions, Beast Shape IV Trickster Spell Priority Level Spells 1 Vanish, Feather Step 2 Mirror Image, Chameleon...
Found at Defender’s Heart (Vissaliy Rathimus), Defender’s Heart. In case you have the Iceplant hex, this ring provides you with +2 natural armor bonus to AC. You also get cold resistance 10 for using this ring. Merciless Shot
The burning font of dark magic within them grants them resistance to many forms of attack and empowers them with formidable strength. Through rigorous training, Warlocks learn to harness their power to perform a select number of specialized attacks and techniques known as invocations. Though they ...
Energy Resistance, Atavism Totem Lesser, Atavism Totem, Atavism Totem Greater, Spirit Totem, Lesser, Spirit Totem, Spirit Totem, Greater, Celestial Totem, Lesser, Celestial Totem, Celestial Totem, Greater, Daemon Totem, Lesser, Daemon Totem, ...
Optional Systems— Crystal Paths, Enhancements, Hero Points, Moogle in the Room, Variable MP, Revengeance Limits, Spell Exhaustion, Static Hit Points, Sub Jobs, Variant Multiclassing Iconics Bestiary — Creature Magic— Creature Properties— NPCs— Creating NPCs— Final Fantasy Universal Monster Rules...