Benefit: When you score a critical hit, you can apply the effects of two critical feats in addition to the damage dealt. Normal: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit in addition to the damage dealt. Dazzling Display (Combat) Your skill with your ...
Acrobatic Spellcaster* Combat Casting, Skill Focus (Acrobatics) Avoid attacks of opportunity from casting with Acrobatics Acrobatic Steps Dex 15, Nimble Moves Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain when you move Acupuncture Specialist Heal 5 ranks Cure curses with a Heal check Acute Shot Far Shot, Pre...
A month? The classes in Tier 1 have the lowest pivot time for that flexibility and the highest access to ways to be more informed, by being strong in RK and research tasks as well as having spells and skill feats that give answers. Then, too, you're not holding true to your own ...
Skill Points: 8 = [Base (6) + INT (+1)/Level; FC (1), Misc (0)] (Ranger 1) = [Base (0) + INT (00)/Level; FC (0), Misc (0)] (Class 02) Skills Total Rank CS Ability ACP Misc Acrobatics -1 0 0 2 -3 +0 Appraise 3 0 0 1 +2 Racial Bluff 0 0 0 0 +0 Climb...
On the other hand of the spectrum, there are some feats (like aforementioned bone armor) that can only be used 1/day - some scaling for additional uses based on level etc. would have made some of these more viable - which they deserve to be, for they are exceedingly cool. ...
* Free feats. If you like, you can grab Deadly Aim instead if you are not onUnfair. Hunter Spell Priority LevelSpells 1Cure Light, Divine Favour, Unbreakable Heart, Shield of Faith, Bless, True Strike 2Restoration (L), Remove Paralysis, Cure Moderate ...
Signature Skill (Heal, Intimidate, Mobility), Eldritch Heritage, Improved Eldritch Heritage, Greater Eldritch Heritage, Kinetic Invocation, Emotional Conduit, Theurgy, Ability Focus: Cruelty, Spiritual Guardian, Two-Weapon Rend, Disruptive, Spellbreaker, ...
Skill Points per Level: 3 Level 1 Base Attack Bonus: None Alchemist subclasses Chirurgeon– This alchemist subclass can make physical abilities better. They can also heal blindness and poison. Grenadier– The grenadier can disable the effect of the bombs on allies. It can also gain bombs to us...
Secrets of Magicalso now lets you be your own rune with the addition of magical tattoos. (Including a skill feat to have your character become a magical tattoo artist.) There are only a few sample tattoos to introduce the concept, but I kind of liked the wave warding tattoo, which gives...
That aside, the path is pretty strong. It fixes your Base Attack Bonus (BAB), provides extra stats, and gives some spare feats to compensate for the Trickster feats taken (you want to be a Trickster prior) for which you don’t need to qualify. It also will provide you a rather impres...