The Dhampir is a new playable race added in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. They are the progeny of vampires and humans. They have the following racial traits: Resist Level Drain: No penalties from energy drain effects. Undead Resistance: +2 bonus saving throws against disease and mind-a...
It assumes low-op to mid-op, played with a basic degree of competence (No 100% blaster Wizards, no dancing Bards who do nothing in combat, no human Paladins who thought it would be hilarious to put their favored class bonus into positive energy resistance just because they could), without...
Bloodragers with mixed bloodline didn't receive energy resistance while raging – fixed; Bonuses at the 8th level of Hellknight Signifer prestige class are being calculated correctly now; Bonuses to strength, dexterity, and constitution from the Master Shapeshifter mythic ability will be displayed sep...
Energy Drain (Negative Levels) 263 Energy Resistance and Vulnerability 264 Experience Points 265 Fighting Defensively 266 Flanking 267 Hit Points (Hit Dice) 268 Initiative 269 Ranged Combat 270 Saving Throws 271 Sneak Attack 272 Spell Resistance 273 Threatened Area (Reach) 274 10. Kingdom Information...
Plus the Psion effectively gets Empower and Intensify feats for free; ditto energy substitution; ditto the chains of feats to be able to cast in armor (he just has to take proficiency, or dip 1 level in Psychic Warrior like 90% of all psions do)-- Look; Psion is on the same power ...
Divine spellcasters who devote themselves to the Protection domain defend others as well as themselves. They resist many types of harm, and with experience can share that resistance in the form of an aura.16 Repose See also:Subdomains,deities ...
Feat: Armor Focus – Heavy Army Focus Spells: Torag Alignment: Lawful Good Master of All Build They are good with simple weapons and light armor. This class is a master of skill checks. Race: Half-ElfAdaptability: Skill Focus – Knowledge (World)Racial Heritage: BaseBackground: Osirion His...
Energy Resistance, Atavism Totem Lesser, Atavism Totem, Atavism Totem Greater, Spirit Totem, Lesser, Spirit Totem, Spirit Totem, Greater, Celestial Totem, Lesser, Celestial Totem, Celestial Totem, Greater, Daemon Totem, Lesser, Daemon Totem, ...
Deathly Pall [V/S]: Self, gain Cold Resistance 5, +2 Strength, and 1d6+[1 per 2 levels (max +5)] temporary hit points. Also become pale and dark eyed giving +5 to disguising as dead. Lasts 1 min. per level Deathwatch Grave Shield [V/S]: Self, gain +1 luck bonus on all...
Level: 8 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: energy resistanceLevel: 9 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blastLevel: 8 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: fiendish resilienceLevel: 7 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlockLevel: 7 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blastLevel: 5 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch...