These bonuses are all trait bonuses. Boritsi: +2 Sense Motive and Bluff checks regarding sending and intercepting secret messages; +1 to saves against poisons and drugs. Consummate courtiers famous for their refined manners, enduring beauty and phenomenally long memories for grudges (Borca). D'...
It's a monk that gets Flurry with a bow. They keep their monk bonuses to AC, they keep their increased unarmed damage, and they get most of the feats you'll want for archery as bonus feats. They make very good switch hitters as they can keep both hands on their bow and still make...
If you have the rage class feature and are already raging, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +2 for the duration of your rage. If you do not have the rage class feature, or you have no more rage rounds left, this weaker rage gives you all the benefits and ...