Archives of Nethys Deities by Alignment|Deities by Pantheon No deity found under this name.
Jaidi was one of the oldest Azlanti deities. Shrines carved with herreligious symbolsand dating back millennia had been found during the empire's height. Her followers, mostly traders and farmers, enjoyed contributing their hard work to the good of their communities. AfterEarthfall, some of her...
The concept of alignment covers a broad range of entities, with the exceptions of newsoulsand the purifiedquintessenceof theMaelstromknown aspotentiality.2Mortalsare the most obvious, as their actions often (though not always) fit a specific alignment.Deitiesalso often embody an alignment or small ...
Zyphus, alongside other newer deities likeCayden CaileanandMilani, have chosen to help protect theDead Vaultfrom being opened to freeRovagug.10 Church of Zyphus Zyphen cults are widespread, although never large in numbers. They worship in abandoned graveyards that are no longer under the prot...
Hastur viewsXhamen-Doras an ally, but if the cults of both deities are active on the same planet, Hastur's followers often try to send Xhamen-Dor back to Carcosa and prevent it from triggering a premature apocalypse, as the world is worth more when consumed directly by Carcosa than indire...
Aroden's strongest allies were the deities worshipped in Azlant. He turned to the Manual of City-Building, religious text of Abadar, for inspiration when establishing Taldor and Absalom, and saw the art inspired by Shelyn as necessary for a successful civilisation. After the gods he once wo...
Feronia would be a decent sponsor if good alignment weren't strictly required. A Cernunnos-sponsored surrogate sounds like it'd come with a few... potentially unwanted surprises. Isis or Osirion are good-aligned fertility deities with relatively blank slates in Golarion. Neith isn't in canon,...
Pathfinder Champions are devoted servants of deities. They follow strict codes of conduct and uphold justice for all in need. Deft in hand-to-hand combat and equipped with heavy armor, they’ll often seek a peaceful conflict resolution, but will not hesitate to call upon their divine benefacto...
Dragons believe that Dahak was one of the original gods created by Apsu and Tiamat. While the other deities began to create, Dahak chose to destroy. He is credited with transforming Hell into a place of agony and flame. He is also believed to be the crea
This class is close to some deities in Pathfinder and can use their magical abilities for weakening the enemy or empowering and healing allies. Alignment Requirement: Cleric’s alignment has to be within a single step of her deity’s, along with either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil ...