The system is elegant and easy to use, it does not do away with hit points, or even alter the combat rules, it simply provides an optional way to deal with critical hits besides piling on additional damage. Critical hits are real hits-disabling function, mangling body parts, and leaving ...
Show selectors when inspecting damage taken messages Support ephemeral effects for most checks Support uuid when using game.pf2e.rollItemMacro() No longer await document create/delete in effect macros Extend ItemAlteration to support changing base damage dice number ...
Additional damage dice from the Tailwind of Fists did not multiply on a critical hit – fixed; The Aggressor animal companion archetype has been changed, and the Bleeding Strike ability is available at the 1st level now, and then improves at the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels; Alchemical...
The damage of an alchemist's bomb increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered alchemist level[LONGSTART] (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike)[LONGEND]. Splash damage from an alchemist bomb is always equal to the bomb's minimum...
False. Spears deal 3x damage on a critical hit. Considering that a bastard sword with EWP is a ONE handed weapon and this spear is a TWO handed weapon, both dealing 1d10 damage, this weapon is actually inferior by my thinking. You net an *average* of 1 extra damage per hit (averag...
I added in a Total Weight of Items Always Zero option and fixed the EnemyDamageMultiplier portion of the Damage Modifier in this update. EDIT 6.2: I changed Always Critical Hit to have the option to just Always Hit and not be critical. It defaults to being Critical Hits though. I updated...
While it does me going down once is okay if you get stabilised (and are facing enemies who won't just finish you off and you aren't hit by persistent damage), dying potentially instantly on one failed recovery roll once when you have Wounded 1 is extremely punishing. Essentially, if you...
伤害减免(Damage Reduction, DR):对伤害具备抵抗能力的生物通常拥有伤害减免。物理来源的任何伤害将减去此数值后再作用于该生物。大多数DR可以被特定类型的武器所无视,该类型将标注在“/”符号之后,譬如“10/寒铁”。有些类型的DR对所有物理攻击均有效,这些DR将以“-”符号来表示。更多信息请查看特殊能力部分。
Let’s also talk about death. Massive damage (2x your hit points) is still an insta-kill. Certain spells have a death effect which is also automatic. Anything else, you are unconscious, at zero hit points, and placed at the beginning of a four-stage countdown. You start at “Dying 1...
Anatomist (+1 to confirm critical hits) Armor Expert (-1 armor check penalty) Berserker of the Society (+3 rage) Blade of the Society (+1 damage on sneak attack) Defender of the Society (+1 AC wearing med/heavy armor) Deft Dodger (+1 reflex save) Dirty Fighter (+1 damage against ...