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I dont realy like books in PDF form, I like having a physical book to flip through, I'm just weird like that.. xD My group is full of great GMs that have GMd for me and the others over the 4 years i'v been a player, And I feel like it is my time to try and bring awesome...
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apocalypse has inspired me to work on my own post-apoc setting, and you can bet that I will be using a great deal of the information that is in this book. I am very happy to have picked up this book, and I will be on the look out for more great books by this publisher. Good ...
Pathfinder 2e is coming out, with some interesting changes, in addition to keeping everything in line with the new ORC License. My understanding is that all the 2nd edition books will stay valid, and any changes will be…
Pathfinder Second Edition, whose main product line is referred to simply as Pathfinder or the Pathfinder Rulebooks line, made several fundamental changes to the game's mechanics, and coincided with the release of the Pathfinder Lost Omens line to advance the timeline of the campaign setting and...
To start this new year on the right foot, here'sLitiJack's AD&D 2nd Edition Character Generator. This feature-rich generator incorporates rules from no less than 14 rule books! It can handle multi-class characters as well as specialized mages. Try it out!
If you visit, the books that all of the feats, archetypes, races, etc… come from are listed. That said, I will keep your request in mind for future PDFs. Reply Hellsays: August 6, 2015 at 4:34 am ...
The main aim was to keep the noise in the relative acceleration between the two free falling TMs at a level that would verify the applicability of this technology for LISA. Indeed, the test was successful and performed even better than expected [67], [68]. Such a high-precision instrument...