The Council of Thieves Adventure Path is a gritty, urban adventure of organized crime, corrupt officials, and ancient curses. In their efforts to help the revolutionaryChildren of Westcrown, the heroes must infiltrate the halls of power, moonlight as actors in a deadly play, delve into a cond...
so I hope you’ll join us for that. I won’t spoiler anything, except to say it’s going to be an actual adventure and not a quest, so expect it to unfold on more of a 4-6 episode timeline. As always, while you’re waiting, feel free to drop by our Discord channel...
"Pathfinder RPG - Council of Thieves Adventure Path (2 of 6) - The Sixfold Trial Chapter 2: "The Sixfold Trial" by Richard Pett The Play's the Thing To banish the monstrous shadows that stalk Westcrown by night, the PCs go undercover, join
"Pathfinder RPG - Council of Thieves Adventure Path (2 of 6) - The Sixfold Trial Chapter 2: "The Sixfold Trial" by Richard Pett The Play's the Thing To banish the monstrous shadows that stalk Westcrown by night, the PCs go underc...
"Pathfinder RPG - Council of Thieves Adventure Path (2 of 6) - The Sixfold Trial Chapter 2: "The Sixfold Trial" by Richard Pett The Play's the Thing To banish the monstrous shadows that stalk Westcrown by night, the PCs go undercover, join