While spell attack and DC aren't split up, a Wizard is still not a Divine spellcaster, so the highlighted text does have mechanical impact I would think. Whether that's intended, of course... (On the other hand, why would you be using Trick Magic Item if you were a caster of that...
Meanwhile, the only player content that made it to GM core was magical and alchemical items, which are the sort of thing Archive of Nethys excel at referencing anyway. That said, I would personally have preferred magic items moved back to player core and instead put uncommon and rare spells...
You've found the not-so-secret playtest for Secrets of Magic! This upcoming sourcebook, scheduled for July 2021, brings you loads of new spells, magic items, special types of magic, and information about the inner workings of magic. But this playtest? It's all about the two new classes!
This setting will determine how much of AoN reacts to your searches and navigation, specifically with "hybrid" content - mechanics which exist both in Legacy and Remastered, though they may have different names or rules (ex: Magic Missile and Force Barrage). In these cases, you will always ...
Despite their violent nature, xulgaths are willing to temporarily ally with surface dwellers, guiding them through tunnels or allowing them safe passage in exchange for magic items which advance the xulgaths' ends.12 The Orvian vault of Deep Tolguth is home to a community of thoughtmaws, ...
- Then gives an example of anti-optimal "creativity' that is wholly dependent on the magic items his party happened to have. Which I would say actually is the optimal strategy for the situation, as it defeated the monster in the fastest way possible! Well tha...
Not to mention the big 6 items you always sought out everytime you ran a new character。 Then D&D 5e came out and pulled us all in。 It is a great system that focuses on storytelling and ease of play。 I love it。But I fou I am highly impressed by what Paizo has done with 2e。
Now we have a second magic weapon, and I’m going to take that too? It felt like a little bit much. Doubly so when I already have multiple (ammo-free) ranged options from magic: I’ve got Ray of Frost as my Wizard cantrip, Electric Arc as an ancestry ability, and Produce Flame ...
magic items for any player character, and lore detailing the fundamental structure and theories of magic. A special section within the volume—the Book of Unlimited Magic—presents new methods of spellcasting, with elementalism, geomancy, shadow magic, rune magic, and even pervasive magic to give...
DC 20 Medicine check and a transfusion can do the job just as well, but the fact that the Doom of Ten Million Epochs or Black Lotus Extract or whatever high level curse/disease/poison you care to name isn't trivially removed by a plucky level 5 wizard casting remove curse is much ...