Also, the strapped rule seems to say that you can have a shield strapped to your arm and use the hand for anything, even wield a weapon, unless you want to raise the shield, at that point you grip it. So there is nothing stopping you from having a steel shield strapped to each arm...
Its martial abilities are way below other martials (our Paladin would have 6 more AC, +6 to hit for about the same damage on melee, my own breath weapon would be stronger than the Dragon Form's, though it has a flat bonus so it evens out I guess.) It feels weird that it has ...
Still it makes it so elves are not just elves, there is some variance in DN Good evening and welcome fellow Children of ChaosYou keep adding traits to that starknife, try and convince me it isn't the dumbest weapon ever made。Anyway, some of the things I like。1) The racial feats, ...
Swashbuckler takes quite a while to get all the necessary feats. The first few levels as a whip-buckler are going to suck. Not necessarily. Just go human, grab the 1500 gp ioun stone for proficiency, and do a bit of retraining when you hit level 3. Weapon Focus, Whip Mastery, and Sl...