Undead Vermin 2E Aberration Animal Astral Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Dream Elemental Ethereal Fey Fiend Fungus Giant Humanoid Monitor Negative Ooze Petitioner Plant Positive Shadow Spirit Time Undead Retrieved from "https://pathfinderwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Dragon&oldid=534869" Categories: ...
Most of Gorum's divine minions wore spiked metal armor. This includes hisdivine servitor race, thezentragt. Thesebear-likecreatures often serve in the vanguard of the Lord in Iron's armies.11 Unique servants Bloody Hands or Blood Hands ...
Domains (2E) Death, duty, fate, glyphAlternative: creation, soul Favored Weapon Warhammer Symbol Rune-carved cave entrance Sacred Animal Mole Sacred Colors Black, white Source: Faiths of Golarion, pg(s). 40–45 (1E)Highhelm, pg(s). 122 (2E) Magrim is the demigod✝ overseer of the ...
Fetchlings often serve as middlemen for planar travelers and are the most populous race in their realm.5 In many people's minds, the Netherworld has very strong ties with undeath, and for good reason: the Netherworld's connection to the Void,21 which causes the creation of many of the ...
No one truly knows whatdeityor creature first created the human race. According toalghollthuwall carvings, they were responsible for humanity's creation, although this claim is impossible to prove conclusively.5 The first great human civilization was that ofAzlant, which arose over 10,000 years...
anecromanticradiationthat can cause any corpses left nearby to spontaneously rise as ghouls orghasts. This spontaneous creation accounts for many of the non-humanoid ghouls found roaming the darkened caves, and in some cases the newly created undead unusually retains the knowledge and skills it ...
In many people's minds, the Netherworld has very strong ties withundeath, and for good reason: the Netherworld's connection to the Void,21which causes the creation of many of the undead that exist within the Netherworld,4includingnightshades.6Undead are not the only creatures found on the Ne...