Creatures from the Drift$4.99 15.Galactic Magic: The Feats Chapter$4.95 16.Medtech Manual$5.00 17.Starfinder 3 Level Ship Map$4.99 18.Whispers from the DriftPay What You Want 19.A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol IIIPay What You Want 20.Absalom Drift: Turbocharged$4.00 21.Ashes of Discovery, ...
Retrieved from "" Categories: Articles in need of updates Common creatures Undead creatures Stubs Pages with stub sections Undead Metaphysics Creatures by type Creatures by type (2E) Creatures by trait Hidden category: Pages using...
Old versions of creatures Old Versions This tag is added to creatures from pre-remaster sources, that also have a creature with the same name in a post-remaster source. Creature Types manmade Humanoid Giant Construct beasts Animal Beast Dragon natural Plant Fungus Ooze unnatural Undead Aberration ...
Ooze Petitioner Plant Positive Shadow Spirit Time Undead Retrieved from "" Categories: Common creatures Dream creatures Extraplanar environment creatures/Dimension of Dreams Dream creature Creatures by type (2E) Creatures by traitThis...
Undead Retrieved from "" Categories: Beast creatures Creatures by type (2E) Creatures by trait Any alignment creatures Hidden category: Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser functionThis...
Wolf-like creatures Adlet: Wolf-like humanoids who well in Golarion's colder regions.5[citation needed] Akhlut: Gigantic shapechangers that look like a bizarre cross between a wolf and an orca.6[citation needed] Amarok: Solitary, intelligent wolf-like hunters of the northern wilderness.7[citat...
That way creatures could still hide in the shadows and no one without a light source could ever be truly sure that they were safe unless maybe they had some monster greater darkvision, which I would recommend never be a player option before high level. I admit I do like complete ...
Sometimes I just like to sort through the Battle Cards and pick out all of the creatures that really catch my eye. How can I work them into a campaign or into an encounter? Or maybe there’s a character concept in there that I can glob onto. There are tons of applications ...
The Pathfinder Bestiary presents game statistics and adventure-inspiring lore for more than 400 creatures. Packed with all-new art and completely redesigned monsters, the Bestiary presents an entirely new stat block format designed to speed up play, as well as tons of imaginative new attacks and ...
If you abstract enough, a shark is a camel, because they both are living creatures. That doesn't make a shark a camel...Your logic seems utterly pedantic. I get what you mean where overspecialization lends itself to repitition (to a boring degree) but your ...