For a real game where I care about the ambiance, I like to split the big six items up according to wealth by level and award them as bonuses as the characters level. They are changed and flavored up a little so that they work about how trained abilities would work. Then, there is no...
in life, Walkena was a mighty magician, able to call down fire from the heavens. This discovery was viewed as an omen, and the Council to put the mummified corpse on display, drawing in thousands of curiousMwangipilgrims. These visitors brought in much needed wealth to the crumbling city....
124–125 (2E) The Kalistocracy of Druma (pronounced kal-ihs-TOK-rah-see of DROO-muh)1 is a land glutting itself on the wealth of trade that is ruled by the high prophet of a strange, secular philosophy called the Prophecies of Kalistrade that values wealth and trade above any deity...