A quick glimpse at the wiki tells me that Nuar Spiritskin, the decidedly non-evil Minotaur who wants recognition for his people on Absalom, has been a part of the setting since 2008. Wouldn't you say he's waited long enough? I'd also point you to Extinction Curse making mention of no...
Druids who devote themselves to the Panther domain share the creature's predatory spirit, keen senses, and stealthiness in darkness.29 Vulture See also:Subdomains,deities,vulture Druids who devote themselves to the Vulture domain share powers over death and rebirth, much as vultures themselves are...
That hasn’t happened with this, but that spirit literally KILLED World of Warcraft for me. If you wanted to do anything in WoW, you had to commit to 3-4 hours, 2-3 specific nights a week, or you’d either (shitty guild) get kicked out of your guild entirely, or (good guild) ...
Spirit naga Squid Steam mephit Stegosaurus (dinosaur) Stirge Stone giant Stone golem Storm giant Succubus (demon) Svirfneblin Tarn linnorm Tarrasque Tengu Tiefling Tiger Toad (familiar) Treant Triceratops (dinosaur) Troglodyte Troll Trumpet archon Tyrannosaurus (dinosaur) Unicorn Vampire Vargouille Vegepy...
Agolemis amagicallycreatedconstructmost often animated by infusing a lifeless form with anelementalspirit, generally anearth elemental. A golem is mindless and serves at its creator's command;1creators of golems are known asgolemwrights.2
Unlike standard constructs created purely viamagic, clockworks do not require the creator to bind anelementalspiritormortalsoulto give it power and motion. Instead, most clockworks rely on some form of winding mechanism or otherclockwork technologythat must be turned on a regular basis in order ...
Magical beast Monstrous humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin 2E Aberration Animal Astral Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Dream Elemental Ethereal Fey Fiend Fungus Giant Humanoid Monitor Negative Ooze Petitioner Plant Positive Shadow Spirit Time Undead...