Pathfinder 2e Spell List评分及评论 3.8(满分 5 分) 38 个评分 Death Knight 7720,2023/02/06 Extremely Disappointing I recently came to PF2e from DnD5e and used this developer’s 5e app. Both apps are great from basically every angle, and are basically the same so there is nothing to le...
Pathfinder 2e Spell: Mountain's Bulwark Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild Print sheet JSON Mountain's Bulwark - unknown - ARCANEGEOMANCYOCCULTPRIMAL TraditionsComponents arcane occult primal somatic verbal CastRangeTargetDurationSaving Throw Self, 30 foot radius Yourself and up to ...
Pathfinder 2e Spell: Choking Ashes Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild Print sheet JSON Choking Ashes - unknown - ARCANEOCCULTPRIMALPYROMANCY TraditionsComponents arcane occult primal somatic verbal CastRangeTargetDurationSaving Throw 120 feet A 20 foot radius area centered on a ...
{{}} {{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}} Cast {{spell.castingTime}} Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} {{entry.lv8slots.current+'/'+entry.lv8slots.max}} 8th {{spell....
A fully-featured character sheet that calculates modifiers and tracks feat choices so that you don't have to, with dedicated support for vital functionality such as spellcasting, inventory management, crafting, and Pathfinder Society-compatible chronicle sheets ...
Part 1: A 20-25 page character sheet with enough room to really map out every facet of your character. Part 2: All the Pathfinder 2E rules from the Player's Guide and Advanced Player's Guide for this class, and only this class. Includes spell, feats, and original B&G content. (Doe...
Some classes rely on two key abilities, such as the Fighter, who may specialize in Strength or Dexterity, depending on whether they favor melee or ranged combat. But most have only one key ability, such as the Wizard, who relies on Intelligence for spellcasting. ...
It really is a signature spell of the entire tradition, in a way that other spells are notably above the curve in other traditions. It's not hard to understand that when people talk about how something like "occult casters / the spell list is horrible," or the opposite, that the ...
爱给网提供海量的2d素材/资源包资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为探路者2为虚拟桌面提供兼容的拼写模板令牌. AOE游戏资产.(Pathfinder 2e Compatible Spell Template tokens for your Virtual Table Top. AOE Game Asset.), 本站编号60251905, 该2d素材/资源包素材大小为58m, 该素材已被下载:4次, 作者为RPSIGLER, ...
It just seems to me that there should be more and better ways to counter darkvision than a fourth level darkness spell. You might be thinking about 1st edition AD&D where, before darkvision existed, there was both Infravision (letting you see into the infrared part of the spectrum) and...