The original PF2E design had space for me to take notes (at least in places) so I could write down penalties, what a spell did, what an ability did. That way I don't have to look it up EVERY TIME I USE IT. Now look at the spell list design. As someone who plays a lot of...
The dude also photocopied every single druid spell, from every book, so his potential spell list for the day included hundreds of spells. Yeah, I know, a wizard can keep a dozen spell books and do the same thing, but again, I've never seen that done in actual play. As a disclaimer...
The game has a pretty rich history of using extra-dimensional space in weird ways. It was only a month ago Ateran made a magical freakin’ candy house, and we didn’t hear any complaints about that. Heck, for a more apples-to-apples comparison, I’d point to the spellRope Trick. It...