by 2 or increase to 18 (whichever grants the higher score). calnivo Nov 15, 2023, 03:19 pm Player Core 1, pg. 15: Bad Reference Player Core 1, page 15 (bottom right) wrote: Reading Rules [...] All characters can use the basic actions found in Chapter 9 Must point to chapt...
It’s always been part of the rules, but it’s not especially relevant at the low levels, because anything one could afford at low levels is fairly common anyway. Heck, in the Edgewatch game, we don’t deal with it at all: we’re right in the heart of Absalom, so it’s like ...
Masterwork equipment too, like thieve's tools which theoretically could be found anywhere from improvised (-5 skill checks) to tools that offered bonuses of +1, +2 or even +5. Expendable magic items like potions aren't unheard of in my campaigns, but they often take various forms depending...
Of course, there’s also the 20/20 “full knowledge of the rules” answer which still exists: a barghest that’s manifested on the Material Plane generally just wants to get off this plane. So maybe help it do that. But in-game, they haven’t gotten that much information on barghests...