Additional context might be available at Meta:Silver dragon. Silver dragon (Creature) 2E1E Common LG Cold Dragon Level Varies by age Alignment LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Adjective Silver dragon Images of silver dragons Source: Bestiary, pg(s). 125–127 Type Dragon(cold) CR 6–22 (by...
Underworld dragon (Creature) 2E1E Uncommon Rare LE Dragon Fire Level 7–16 (by age category) Alignment LGNGCG LNNCN LENECE Images of underworld dragons Source:Bestiary 3, pg(s). 83–85 Type Dragon (fire) CR 3–19 (by age category) ...
The dragon form spell itself is in great shape, though! The druid feat Form Control no longer requires Strength +2. I guess that's nice! But Perfect Form Control still requires Strength +4, which was always kind of a tough lift for druids who were planning to spend most of their time...
This minion is similar to asilver dragonwith spikes, but with coloring akin to iron.9 Temperbrand This creature is afire elementalthat has the appearance of superheated liquid metal.9 Providence Gorum showed his favor through weapons and armor that bleed when touched, while his displeasure was ...
Silver Bark, Golden Blades Rotten Apples A God Falls Where Magic Fails Upon Wheels and Rime Of Myths and Legends Once in Whispers The Godsrain and the Dragon The Burning of Greensteeples All That Glitters Quests Series 1: The Sandstone Secret Unforgiving Fire Grehunde's Gorget Port Peril Pub...
Worth pointing out that the last two humble bundles have come with the CRB, APG, GMG, at least one Bestiary, and LO (plus plenty more, but those 'core' 2e books were included in both). So I'm not sure exactly what the problem is. For spells and other content which has not been...
Forest dragon (Creature) 2E1E Uncommon Rare CE Dragon Plant Level 10–19 (by age category) Alignment LGNGCG LNNCN LENECE Images of forest dragons Source:Bestiary 3, pg(s). 74–76 Type Dragon (earth) CR 6–22 (by age category) ...
Elf From PathfinderWiki (Redirected fromElves) Elf (Creature) 2E1E Common Medium Elf Humanoid Level Varies Adjective Elven Images of elves Source:Player Core, pg(s). 46–49 Type Humanoid (elf) CR By class level Environment Any land
Dragon Fey Level Varies Source: Monster Core, pg(s). 127 Legacy 2E: In Bestiary 157, faerie dragons had the CG trait and lacked the Fey trait.While statblocks in Bestiary 157 and Monster Core 127 depict one at 2nd level, the creature description in both sources also describes many as...
The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below: Map support Breaking the Storm: Excising Ruinationuses two custom maps. •• Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild scenarios (2E)...