Ash hag Blood hag Cuckoo hag Dreamthief hag Grave hag Iron hag Moon hag Mute hag Pit hag Rust hag Sea hag Sinew hag Storm hag Sweet hag Winter hag Associated subjects Alazhra Changeling Coven ooze Creeping crone Graeae Gyronna Hag eye Hag eye ooze Heartstone Mestama Qallupilluk Rokuroku...
Hag (Creature) 2E1E Common Hag Humanoid Level Varies Images of hags Source:Monster Core, pg(s). 188–191 Hags hadchaotic evilandneutral evilalignments and traits inBestiary. Type Monstrous humanoidoroutsider CR Varies Environment Varies
Bag of tricks: Wolves are a common creature pulled from the rust bag of tricks.27[citation needed] Robe of bones: A skeletal wolf is one of the creatures embroidered into a robe of bones.28[citation needed] Summoning: Wolves and their larger dire wolf cousins can be summoned via the summ...