科技配置上,探陆搭载增强版ProPILOT超智驾,能够有效缓解长途驾驶中的疲劳感。此外,16项智能主动安全科技,足以从容应对各种出行场景,从预防危险到转危为安,探陆关注每一个细节,全方位守护大家庭出行安全。 至于动力,探陆全系搭载380VC-TURBO全球首款量产可变压缩比涡轮增压发动机+采埃孚9AT变速箱,黄金动力总成确保强劲输...
Level 4 was rather bad and they added a Poison that inflicts Frightened condition up to Frightened 3. Massive debuff poison, a must have. Level 5 from: Saving Throw DC 21 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d10 poison damage and flat-footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d12 poison...
Here are the Pathfinder Goblin heritages found in the 2e Core Rulebook: Heritage Features Charhide Goblin Gain fire resistance equal to half your level Checks to remove persistent fire damage are DC10 for you rather than DC15, reduced by another five if another creature helps Irongut Goblin ...
I had been curious about Pathfinder 2e for a while. I read the Core Rulebook and The GM Guide and was excited to start playing Pf2. I was however a bit nervous about how to teach the system to other new players. Or, I was until I got The Beginner Box. It's got everything you...
AD&D_2E ADnD_1E ADnD_2E_Revised AEON-Aberrant AGE System APOCTHULHU ARC AS&SH AW AW2E-Burned-Over AW2E Ablaneda Aborea Aborea_new Abstract Dungeon (FR base) Aces and Eights (Shattered Frontier) Aces-In-Space Achtung! Cthulhu Action Movie World Adventure Pack Adventure! AdventureTime Adv...
15°±2°BTDC(in“P”or“N”position) OKorNG OKGOTO4. NGGOTO3. EC-44 EXIT EXIT BASICSERVICEPROCEDURE IdleSpeed/IgnitionTiming/IdleMixtureRatioAdjustment(Cont’d) 3ADJUSTIGNITIONTIMINGGI 1.Adjustignitiontimingbyturningdistributorafterlooseningsecuringbolts. 2.Turnoffengineandconnectthrottlepositionsensorha...
The best he can do against traps is face-tank them and gets ruined by fireballs, dominate persons, but can tank fingers of death(assume these are all the same power level and DC or replace them with similar effects). The rogue is really good against traps and as long as she has a...