Class Features Primal spells, Druidic language Notable Initial Proficiencies Nature, primal spell attacks Base HP 8 Green-thumbed roleplayers may be tempted by the Pathfinder Druid, who harnesses the mighty power of nature to bring ruin to their enemies and beautiful bounties to those who respect...
Maybe you will be a knowledgeable wizard, wielding incredible arcane spells or a wise and pious cleric, using the power of your deity to shape the world for the better. It is all up to you! Inside you will find a rich toolbox, filled with everything you need to get started, including...
I have some questions about how and when learning new spells happens in PFS. I looked in the Guide to Organized Play but couldn't find anything. Example: I have a level 2 Wizard. 1. My level 1 wizard started out with 5 level 1 spells known in his spellbook. When he hits level 2 ...
better. Darius gets a pretty cool monk ability, the One-Inch Punch, which lets him dial up the actions to dial up the damage. And Ateran… well, Ateran mostly just backs up a dump truck full of spells into Csillagos’ hungry beak. (Still my favorite way of learning new spells ever...
Jatembe left behind his spellbooks for his students at the Magaambya. These were collated, collected, and annotated over the following millennia, eventually becoming known as theWisdom of Jatembe. They exist in countless volumes, and each contains not only the spells he created and cast, but...
spells, etc. On the GM side, MOST of the book is geared toward running the adventure – 30 or so pages are running the adventure itself and then there’s an equally large section dedicated to monster stat blocks. I didn’t do a one-for-one, but I assume most of these creatures were...
A magic sword lets you fly and gives you super strength and lets you cast spells and turns you invisible and shoots fireballs and talks to you and blah blah blah. He said D&D (2e) was the first time he ever saw a magic sword that wasn't magical. Robespierre Jan 21, 2012, 07:19...