All rules content for Pathfinder Second Edition, including all creatures, hazards, items, actions, feats, spells from all official sources A fully-featured character sheet that calculates modifiers and tracks feat choices so that you don't have to, with dedicated support for vital functionality suc...
View all types of assistive items. Assistive Items (9) View all basic magic weapons. Basic Magic Weapons View all blighted boons. Blighted Boons View all censer. Censer View all types of consumables. Consumables (13) View all types of contracts. ...
modeI(Malfunctionwarning),alldisyeditemsare1sttripDTC’s.Ifonlyonecodeisdisyedwhenthe MILilluminatesgnostictestmodeII(SELF-DIAGNOSTICRESULTS),itisaDTC;iftwoormorecodes aredisyed,theymaybeeitherDTC’sor1sttripDTC’s.DTCNo.issameasthatof1sttripDTC.TheseCL unidentifiedcodescanbeidentifiedbyusingtheCONSULTor...
I know this is speculative from my part but IMO this reinforces the theory that many spells, feats and items will be removed from remaster for good. I'm afraid that due license and balance reasons some spells and other things would be really completely removed from remaster and won't back...
Home Afflictions/Hazards Classes Deities Equipment FAQ Feats Magic Items Monster Index Mythic Index NPC Index Prestige Classes Races Rules Skills Spells/Rituals Technology Traits Licenses Projects Sources Tools Contact Us Contributors Support the Archives Minimize Menu Toggle Theme ...
(ORC) license, a more stable and reliable alternative to the previous Open Game License. This shift will bring a few minor modifications to the system, such as the removal of alignment and a small number of creatures, spells, and magic items exclusive to the OGL. Rest assured, these ...
New items and magic that can be easily dropped onto a character or into a campaign, fully ready to use, including new material, relics, and legendary items New, fully automated, bestiary creatures to give new challenges to players Gorgeous full-colored illustration to share and m...
The only potential drawback is that the magical guns are higher level items not suitable for 1st level characters. The star guns are pretty much limited to high-level play, while the beast guns require a specific ritual hunt and even the lowest level beast gun (the drake rifle) is a 4th...
Relics are magic items that change over time, gaining more abilities and powers over time. There are also relics known as relic seeds, which are only partially physical, that become attached to a character in a similar way. This deck of cards contains 84 different Relic powers that...
As hydras lack an awareness of value beyond knowing that sparkling or shiny things are sought after by some of its prey, they will typically ignore drab items but display potentially valueless but shiny rubble.5 Hydras often live in symbiosis with small vermin, which feed on algae growing ...