Metal elemental Plane of Water Ice elemental Mud elemental Water elemental Plane of Wood Wood elemental Ethereal Plane Aether elemental Other elementals See also:Category:Elemental subtype creaturesandCategory:Elemental creatures There are other types of elemental creature, which typically have more defined...
experienced Earth domain adepts develop the ability to create walls of stone to defend themselves, or channel divine energies to give their own skin the durability of solid rock. The most advanced Earth domain masters are able to create devastating earthquakes and summon extraplanar earth elemental...
Sulis who are the descendants of mortalhumanoidsandjannsare known assuli-jannsand are the most common sulis.7Two non-suli geniekin of different types can also produce suli offspring, as can dual-elemental beings and humanoids;5the resultingdualborn sulispossess an affinity for these elements.8 ...
“Elemental Characters” in Rage of Elements, 48. Paizo Inc., 2023 ↑ James Jacobs, et al. “Life in the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 51. Paizo Inc., 2011 External links Dilong (real-world mythical creature) on Wikipedia • • Dragons Magical dragons, or ...
Elemental Elite Dangerous Role Playing Game Ellipses Elric Emberwind End All Be All RPG - Roleplaying without Limits EngineHeart Epyllion EratheConsortium Exalted 3 Exalted2e Exo 2933 FACES (French) FAITH FASATrek FFD20 FFG_End-of-the-World FFRPG Third Edition FLAGS_Custom Fading Suns v2.75 Fai...
A Song of Ice and Fire ACKS ACPD AD&D_2E ADnD_1E ADnD_2E_Revised AEON-Aberrant AGE System APOCTHULHU ARC AS&SH AW AW2E-Burned-Over AW2E Ablaneda Aborea Aborea_new Abstract Dungeon (FR base) Aces and Eights (Shattered Frontier) Aces-In-Space Achtung! Cthulhu Action Movie World Adv...
(2E) Hshurha, the Duchess of All Winds, is one of the powerful beings collectively known as the elemental lords. She dwells on the Elemental Plane of Air, and disdains all solid, visible creatures.1 Personality Hshurha is known for her erratic nature, she is both cruel and capricious...
All giants share massive humanoid forms. They often range from 12 to 40 feet tall and measure their weight in tons.3They also share anelementalhunger, the nature of which often corresponds to their own. For example,frost giantsconsume large amounts of snow with their meals, whileshadow giants...
11 Some dragons, such as brine dragons and crystal dragons, are sometimes referred to as drakes, perhaps due to their elemental nature rather than being adapted dragons.12 On Golarion Thanks to the many adaptations and species of drakes, few parts of Golarion are devoid of their presence.3 ...
Undines result from the influence of awater elementalor related being on a mortal's ancestry.5Most descend fromfaydhaans,7who are known for consorting with mortals, while others descend fromelemental scampsofwater,ice, orsalt, as well as frombrine dragons.89 ...