Gods & Magic, pg(s). 24–25 (2E) Ⅰ Ⅱ Gorum(pronounced GOR-um)1was agodof battle above all other pursuits; it is said that he would rust away into nothingness if there is ever a time with no more conflicts to be fought. Known asOur Lord in Iron, his faithful believed he was ...
Although elves will worship anydeitythat strikes their fancy, the large majority worship the goddessesCalistria,Desna, andShelyn;2some worshipNethys, or even more rarely the variousempyreal lords.4They tend to have a less formal relationship with the divine, seeing the gods as general inspiration...
Gods & Magic, pg(s). 128f.(2E) Ⅰ Ⅱ Cernunnos (Creature) Type Outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good) CR 30 Environment Any forest or plain (Elysium) Alignment LGNGCG LNNCN LENECE Source:Bestiary 4, pg(s). 88–89 Ⅰ
2 The majority of those choosing a future as a lich are powerful wizards and other arcane spellcasters, while it is practically unheard of that a cleric or a druid does so. Some inquisitive bards are known to have ascended to lichdom through their interest in occult magic, as well as ...
Terrain domains for druidsAquatic,28Arctic,28Badlands,[citation needed]Cave,28Desert,28Jungle,28Mountain,28Plains,28Plane of Air,31Plane of Earth,31Plane of Fire,31Plane of Water,31Ruins,30Swamp28 References ↑1.01.1Sean K Reynolds.Gods and Magic, 112.Paizo Inc.,2008 ...
Gnomes prefergodsthat emphasize nature, magic, freedom, and beauty, includingCayden Cailean,Desna,GozrehandShelyn,4as well asErastil,Nethys, andNorgorber.1These are all depicted as gnomes by their gnome worshipers. The drathnelar goddessNivi Rhombodazzleis the only unique gnome deity, and sh...
or simply to find a fortune that can help them improve their citadels. Many dwarves choose a martial role as abarbarian,fighter,monk, orranger, while others take a higher calling asclericsanddruids.12Dwarven adventurers of all stripes are known for pushing themselves to improve and forging str...
Xulgath druids generally break off and form their own small bands that are feared by the general populace. They excel at their control of the beasts of the Darklands.3 A few xulgaths eschew Abyssal powers in favor of their own innate strength or occult power. Others turn to the Green ...
Gods & Magic, pg(s). 87, 130–131 (2E) Trelmarixian (Creature) Type Outsider (daemon, evil, extraplanar) CR 27 Environment Any (Abaddon) Alignment LGNGCG LNNCN LENECE Images of Trelmarixian Source:Bestiary 6, pg(s). 166 Ⅰ
GM Core, pg(s). 177–178 (2E) TheFirst Worldis so called because it is believed to be thegods' first draft of a subsequentplanethat would later split into theUniverseand theNetherworld.12It is atransitive planecoterminous with the Universe.3✝ ...