At that point, just keeping up the pace necessary to participate felt like having a second job instead of a way to enjoy downtime. So schedule your fun, yes, but if you’re so scheduled that your hobbies are starting to feel like work, you’re doing it wrong. Again, I don’t ...
Also, whereas first edition Pathfinder combat used to get bogged down, now there's an elegant as heck three action system (everyone gets three actions, do with them what ye will!) that I absolutely love, because hey, even in 5e it's sometimes a pain to figure out what constitutes a ...
Limiting their downtime forces them to make harsh choices, and usually go with general utility and damage spells. They must also spend money to get more than very few spells per level. They are also very vulnerable in combat, and there is never enough actions in combat for them to fix ...
from Kalkek – but for poor Hap, Fidget’s act just adds a layer of professional jealousy to her anger about Riley’s injury. At the other end of the spectrum, Ateran actually finds kindred spirits in Fidget’s brothers, who are both alchemists, and they spend some downtime talking ...