Temples of Desna are few and far between, with most locations no more than roadside shrines erected in her honor. Travelers often leave markings and dedications in newly discovered areas and secluded locales. Those few temples that do exist often serve as observatories and are open to the nigh...
She is also an ally ofDesna,Norgorber, andShelyn—deities of dreams, secrets, and beauty, respectively.4Lust and love often go hand in hand, though Calistria finds Shelyn's deep dedication to love to be a weakness. Norgorber can often be interesting for Calistria to work with, though ev...
**Watch and Learn feat has that its' prequisite giving you better version of its effect(since pathfinder agent dedication allows you to add your level to untrained skills) But yeah, Lodge articles are wonderful and so is getting updates on lot of old faces :) It is worth getting for expa...
Harnessing her will and dedication to become the tyrannical ruler necessary to rule an undead nation, she continued to keep the scheming and independent-minded undead who help run the country from seizing power for themselves, and strove to be a better leader than Geb could fathom. Her leadershi...
Tian Xia World Guide, pg(s). 37 (2E) Nalinivati (pronounced nah-lee-nee-vah-TEE)2 is the patron naga goddess of the snake-like humanoids known as the nagaji. She is a goddess of fertility, snakes, and sorcery, and is mainly worshipped across Tian Xia.34 Appearance Nalinivati is ...
Tian Xia World Guide, pg(s). 90–97 (2E) The small Tian Xia nation of Hwanggot (pronounced hwan-ggot),1 known as the Kingdom of Flowers, is the ancestral home of the Tian-Hwan people, and is generally considered to be a land of peace, understanding, and diplomacy.2 History ...
In-3504 AR, Jatembe gathered a group of followers who became known as theTen Magic Warriors.4To show their dedication, the warriors obscured their identities behind goldenanimalmasks. Together, Jatembe and the Ten Magic Warriors explored the ruins of the ancientpre-Earthfallcities of Garund, un...