Poison and disease rules on PF2 are vastly superior to D&D with real affections than can even lead to death. And non-trivial removal. I may dislike the fact that it now requires a level 20 caster to remove a level 20 vampire's blood drain when a DC 20 Medicine check and a transfu...
The closest rule that I could find addressing something non-witch familiar death is the Special entry of the Pet feat (from which familiars are based): "You can gain a new pet by retraining this feat, releasing any previous pet you have." Insofar as I can tell, it's either resurrection...
Since the death of Aroden and opening of the Worldwound, Baphomet has found a new opportunity to spread his religion, and today humanoids (especially humans) make up the majority of his followers. The Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth have increased in numbers and invariably wield no small amoun...
This deck of cards contains 84 different Relic powers that you could grant to relics in your games, and the other 24 cards are relic seeds. The cards are also assigned various tags like Earth or Death, if you wish to keep a similar theme with a specific relic. What I really ...
its bite also boasts a lethal poison of supernatural cold.1Their death curse, said by some to be the gift of some unknown malevolent god who sees all linnorms as hateful pets,2robs any creature of its ability to breathe water and even its ability to hold its breath while underwater.1 ...
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Night of the Gray Death Pathfinder 2 RPG – Core Rules Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Troubles in Otari Pathfinder Adventures: Troubles in Otari Pathfinder 2 RPG – Secrets of Magic Pathfinder 2 RPG – GameMastery Guide
The Mwangi Expanse, pg(s). 133 (2E) Angazhan(pronounced ANG-uh-zan)1rules over theAbyssal realmofAhvoth-Korand is thedemon lordof savage strength and destruction.2 Appearance A common depiction of Angazhan. Angazhan resembles an enormous, muscular red-furredapewith six long fingers on ea...
Elf From PathfinderWiki (Redirected fromElves) Elf (Creature) 2E1E Common Medium Elf Humanoid Level Varies Adjective Elven Images of elves Source:Player Core, pg(s). 46–49 Type Humanoid (elf) CR By class level Environment Any land
For the record, we actually dealt with this during the Plaguestone campaign, but the various death rules DO apply to PCs “and their companions”. In that game, we had a moment where Ember dropped and we needed a ruling on whether she was just dead-dead or I could useLay on Handsto...
DEATH IN SPACE DFRPG Daemon 3e Daemon Exilia Daemon DangerousJourneys-Mythus Dark Heresy Advanced 2nd Edition Dark_Heresy Dark_Heresy_2ed Das Schwarze Auge (TDE) 5 OFFICIAL by Ulisses Das_Schwarze_Auge_4-1 Das_Schwarze_Auge_5 Das_Schwarze_Auge_5_Tsa_Edition Das_Schwarze_Auge_Ilaris Dead-of...