The designers intentionally made the creature rules less rigid than 1E so we could see much more diversity without "breaking" the rules. However, it also means it is much harder to judge what is a fair/balanced encounter and what level is appropriate for a creature's assignment. Over the ...
Darius punches bugs, Alhara adds some AoE with alchemical fire, and Ateran finishes the fight off with a crit from Old Reliable (akaTelekinetic Projectile). Ateran also hones their comedic talent with “turns out the log is not safe”. Well played, Rob. ...
At this point, the momentum swings for good. We go through another round of combat… and when the wheel comes back to me… I don’t know if it’s meta-gamey, or just acknowledging the swing in the action – consider that he just missed me three times and then I critted him — bu...