pathfinder-rpgpathfinder-second-editionpathfinder-2epathfinder2eshattered-star UpdatedSep 14, 2023 Pathfinder 2E on mobile iospathfindercharacter-sheetttrpgcharacter-sheetspathfinder2esecond-edition UpdatedDec 5, 2022 TypeScript shendi is a Character generator for Pathfinder second edition (2e) built ...
2E1E Common Beast Human Humanoid Werecreature Level +1 Alignment Varies Images of werecreatures Source:Bestiary, pg(s). 328 Type Humanoid (shapechanger) CR +1 Environment Any Alignment Varies Adjective lycanthropic, entothropic Images of werecreatures ...
Creature types 1E Aberration Animal Artificial intelligence Construct Dragon Fey Humanoid Magical beast Monstrous humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin 2E Aberration Animal Astral Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Dream Elemental Ethereal Fey Fiend ...
Creature types 1E Aberration Animal Artificial intelligence Construct Dragon Fey Humanoid Magical beast Monstrous humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin 2E Aberration Animal Astral Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Dream Elemental Ethereal Fey Fiend Fungus Giant Humanoid Monitor Negative Ooze Petitioner ...
Creature Database by the Pathfinder 2e FoundryVTT team under the apache 2.0 license (Converted into human-readable statblocks by me) Pathfinder Statblocks. PAIZO COMMUNTIY USE POLICY Pathfinder 2e Dashboard uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Us...
Creature types 1E Aberration Animal Artificial intelligence Construct Dragon Fey Humanoid Magical beast Monstrous humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin 2E Aberration Animal Astral Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Dream Elemental Ethereal Fey Fiend Fungus Giant Humanoid Monitor Negative Ooze Petitioner ...
I.e. a host poisoning guests (players) in a feast, or bitten by a poisonous creature (spider, snake) when sleeping in a bad place, or affected by a strong poison from a monster and then try to survive. Poison and disease rules on PF2 are vastly superior to D&D with real affections...
Things like an unnoticed creature acting second in initiative and Recall Knowledge for general vs unique on the same creature are big messes without that guidance. It also brought us variant rules so popular they are treated like defaults (free archetype), subsystems that significantly increase the...
The creature’s first move was to cast darkness, which was more of a defensive/escape spell, and then the whole party started whomping on it. I’ll grant, if you look at the picture it doesn’t LOOK very pleasant, but the truth of the matter is it never actually performed an ...
I find the Pathfinder Step makes more sense than the DND Disengage, as I can't make sense of Disengage working for more than the enemies directly threatening the character: a creature that takes the disengage action could then run there full movement, potentially avoiding a dozen or more atta...