The followers of the Lady in the Room fulfill varied roles wherever they are encountered, anything from spy, thrill seeker, to prostitute and beyond, but always in support of their goddesses' mercurial nature.3Such individuals deal in trickery and mischief, encounters of the flesh and knowledge ...
Gods & Magic, pg(s). 20–21 (2E) Ⅰ Ⅱ Desna(pronounced DEZ-nuh)1was one of the firstdeities, but while her peers burdened themselves with the task of creatingGolarion, she spent her time building the heavens. She knew that there would be plenty of time for her and her followers ...
Satyrs exist in forests, where they serve as protectors of the woodlands. Unlike their smaller cousins, thefaun, there are no female satyrs, forcing them to mate with other species (typically humanoid) in order to reproduce.1Encounters between satyrs and women of other species typically produce ...
Play along in the new and updated encounters with this helpful conversion guide featuring back-converted stats for the entire Kingmaker campaign, plus other rules conversions, tips, and tricks to run the campaign as smoothly as possible. Not ready to convert to 2E? Already running the campaign ...
vicharamunis are benevolent and kindly. However, vicharamunis are patient and understanding, and welcome the chance to expand others' worldviews. A vicharamuni who encounters a more open-minded group with similar values, such as a sect ofpriestsormonks, may ally with them to fulfill its mission...
Its surprisingly difficult to design encounters that challenge casters that do this as there are few gaps to exploit. I agree that adventure paths get easier from about 10th level. It's the nature of the game system. Low level characters are fragile and often get killed by bad luck, but...
If you adjust your encounters to be winnable without magic items, then you can restrict characters to a few precious items and have no problem. This, a thousand times this. I have run D&D for the longest of time following this very philosophy - Items are as special as you make them...
2 Such individuals deal in trickery and mischief, encounters of the flesh and knowledge that is both secret or dangerous, and the pursuit of these goals can often lead these faithful to wander the world in order to achieve them.20 Her clerics usually clothe themselves in scant garb in ...
while scouting for new dens.1cockatrices have great fecundity, with flocks having a dozen members, with only a few females. Males often fight, driving off the weakest as the outcasts begin searching for a new lair, fight with other flock and is the source of solitary cockatrice encounters....
Most societies judge minotaurs based on encounters with these lone outliers320and as fierce carnivores from their monthly hunts, which experiences fuel outsiders' myths and dark legends portraying most minotaurs as savage carnivores orcannibals.1521 ...