Pathfinder Cleric Pathfinder Druid Pathfinder Fighter Pathfinder Monk Pathfinder Ranger Pathfinder Rogue Pathfinder Sorcerer Pathfinder Wizard What to consider when choosing Pathfinder classes There are 12 Pathfinder classes in the 2e Core Rulebook. Many closely align with familiar fantasy archetypes, ...
Maybe you will be a knowledgeable wizard, wielding incredible arcane spells or a wise and pious cleric, using the power of your deity to shape the world for the better. It is all up to you! Inside you will find a rich toolbox, filled with everything you need to get started, including...
A stargazerclericof Desna. The informal clergy of Desna is primarily composed ofclerics, though on occasionbardsare called by some song or whisper in the night to follow her path. In addition,spherewalkersare paragons of the Desnan ideal: they see new sights each day and discover unheard ...
2 The majority of those choosing a future as a lich are powerful wizards and other arcane spellcasters, while it is practically unheard of that a cleric or a druid does so. Some inquisitive bards are known to have ascended to lichdom through their interest in occult magic, as well as ...
Also clerics of Gorum or other Gorum worshipers might not care where their magical greatsword comes from only that slices open there enemies. Starbuck_II Jan 22, 2012, 02:52 pm Adamantine Dragon wrote: Many magic items in myth and legend do provide additional powers though, just as they...
The characters are EXACTLY what I expected. The Beginner Box goes back to Gygaxian basics, providing Level 1 character sheets for the most fundamental Pathfinder iconics: you get a choice of fighter (Valeros), wizard (Ezren), cleric (Kyra), and rogue (Merisel). Their equipment is already...
26–28 (2E) Brevoy (pronounced BRE-voy)1 is a nation in far northeastern Avistan on the verge of tearing itself apart. The political entity known as Brevoy was once two vastly different nations locked in a constant state of war before being conquered by a foreign despot: Choral the ...
or simply to find a fortune that can help them improve their citadels. Many dwarves choose a martial role as abarbarian,fighter,monk, orranger, while others take a higher calling asclericsanddruids.12Dwarven adventurers of all stripes are known for pushing themselves to improve and forging str...