either. Pathfinder has 16 classes to D&D’s 12, but it has far fewer ancestries (its version of races), coming in at 36 to D&D’s 60-odd. The real game-changer in Pathfinder is feats.5e featsare an optional rule, but 2e feats are the ...
Skill Monkey Archetype$1.95 80.The GM's Ally Part 2$1.30 Newest Pathfinder Tales See all Pathfinder Tales: The Weeping Blade ePub$0.99 Pathfinder Tales: The Fencing Master ePub$0.99 Pathfinder Tales: Stargazer ePub$0.99 Pathfinder Tales: Inheritance ePub$0.99 Pathfinder Tales: Best Served ...
I wish there were more reloading+action feats accessible to more classes, but that is a really easy thing to homebrew. At first I kinda wished that the narrative of this mechanical space was tied to a more traditional fantasy weapon, but I agree with others that Golarion is such a kitchen...
Generic attribute or skill bonuses are boring from a role play perspective, until you use the skill or ability that benefits, but by then it's not associated with the sword, it's "I have a +14 to hit" not "I would have missed without my awesome longsword of hittiness!" That's ...
I've been skimming the Archives of Nethys 2E rules, and so far I gotta say there's nowhere near enough customization yet to tempt me into a purchase. If I read correctly, the *only* archetype material available in the core rulebook are the multiclass feats, which—I hate to say this—...