When he hits level 2 he gets to add 2 more spells to the spellbook for free. Now he wants to add some more spells, using the Learn a Spell activity. 2. There is a bard in the party today who happens to know Color Spray. Even though the bard's version of the spell is Occult, ...
Traditional dragons: arcane, divine, occult, primal9 Esoteric dragons: astral, dream, etheric, nightmare, occult14 Imperial dragons: forest, sea, sky, sovereign, underworld15 Outer dragons: lunar, solar, time, void, vortex16 Planar dragons: crypt, edict, havoc, infernal, paradise, rift17 The ...
I LOVE table with the character level, short descriptions of mandatory class options, and saving throw bonuses, and even spells if needed。 Now we get too many words that are not helping, and two tables that are seperate for magic and character options。 That is two too many! Nice concise...