And if they need to go on an extended swim at some future point, throw Hap into the bag of holding for a change. With the second aeon tower cleaned up, it’s time to head back to Ferny for a well-earned Ewok moment, partying up with the shoonies. After that… maybe a circus ...
This is how you make magic special in your games: Emphasise the cool plot-worthy items give them grand names and deep histories that the PCs can research, and don't make a fuss over the bags of holding and rings of swimming etc that can often make up a treasure hoard.1...
When it comes to the Bag of Holding “fight”, I think there were two different arguments here, but the first was mostly just a rules clarification. At one point it SOUNDED like Steve was saying some spells cast into the bag affected everyone and other spells only affected one pocket dimen...