Cast {{spell.castingTime}} Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} {{entry.lv2slots.current+'/'+entry.lv2slots.max}} 2nd {{}} {{}} {{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.le...
67–68 (2E) Tessa Fairwind, Hurricane Queen. The Shackles is an extended archipelago off the coast of western Garund, directly south of the never-ending hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego. It is the haven of the notorious Shackles Pirates, and the ruins of the ancient cyclops ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
and because he critted it’s supposed to last a week. But almost every charm/compulsion-type effect has a “unless you ask it to do something that would get it killed” escape clause, and fighting a giant flying razor blade would seem to qualify. Even watching over...
ADnD 2E Revised ADnD_1E AEON-Aberrant AGE System APOCTHULHU ARC AS&SH AW AW2E-Burned-Over AW2E Ablaneda Aborea Aborea_new Abstract Dungeon (FR base) Aces and Eights (Shattered Frontier) Aces-In-Space Achtung! Cthulhu Action Movie World Adventure Pack Adventure! AdventureTime Adventurers ...
When arriving into the predefined acceptable area of subgoals, the robot gets a +10 scalar reward; dn is the goal tolerance. If ag is more than 0, the reward function is −ag, where ag is the absolute value of normalization of ag. Otherwise, the reward function is 1 − dg − ...