Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Summoner Swashbuckler Thaumaturge Witch Wizard Uncommon Gunslinger Inventor Rare Exemplar Misc. View all companion options available. Companions Ancestries Anadi Android Athamaru Automaton Awakened Animal Azarketi
Monster statblocks now show above family info, similar to 2E site design Arcanist Exploits and Animal Companion pages adjusted to replace button logic - Exploits all on one page now, Companions broken out across different pages per "type" of companion Spell definitions page added to show details...
Each tribe is led by a matriarch who also serves as the main egg-layer, and who is advised byprimalspellcastersand healers5who often haveoctopusanimal companions.4Every adult then raises one of the young as their own. They often tamemoray eels, andwarriorsmay use trainedgiant eelsasmounts. ...
Along the expedition, players will find new character options to bring their wildest characters to life, from newancestrieslike the strongminotauror magicalmerfolk, to awesomespellsand ferocious archetypes, to newanimal companionsand gear forged from the scales and fangs of mythical beasts. GMs can...
known as theBlack Whale.21Underseastorm giantssometimes train larger shark species to serve as mounts or beasts of burden.22Shark-like themselves,sedacthys23commonly domesticate theseanimals.24Sharks are also sometimes taken asanimal companions25by water-breathing or sea-dwellingdruids2627andrangers.28...
New familiars, animal companions, and other allies, such as clockwork familiars, red pandas, and many-legged wollipeds. New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters. Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat...
Further, the elemental companions don't have the mount trait as required by the cavalier dedication (although it's a bit ambigious whether " animal companions with the mount special ability, as well as any additional options from your pledge" means that you can choose OTHER THAN ANIMAL compani...
Non Animal Companions | Roll20 [B...$31.98 $16.99 13.Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide | Roll20 V...$34.99 14.Pathfinder Bestiary | Roll20 VTT$34.99 15.Pathfinder Core Intro [BUNDLE]$59.98 $49.99 16.Pathfinder GM Core | Roll20$29.99 17.Pathfinder Player Core 2 | Roll20$29.99 18...
intrigue suitable for a multitude of adventures. An included poster map presents Highhelm's layers in high detail and serves as an aid for campaigns centered on the dwarven city. Characters looking for new options can visit Highhelm for new equipment, ancestry feats, animal companions, and more...
Each deity exercises dominion over several domains, each comprising an aspect of the deity's portfolio: for example,Gozreh, deity of nature, weather, and the sea, exerts dominion over theAir,Animal,Plant,Water, andWeatherdomains.56This dominion is seldom exclusive; Gozreh, for example, shares...