基本上,我将项目的名称从RandomEncounterGeneratorPF更改为PathfinderUtilities。 这是考虑到这个项目正在朝着我开始时无法想象的方向发展的事实。 创建一个高度可过滤且可自定义的生物列表激发了我沿着这条线创造更多东西的灵感。 这个更大的新项目现在包括一个可过滤的专长列表,而我目前正在研究一个拼写列表。 我还...
Loot 1e Loot 2e: Treasure generator gives random or tailored treasure for your players, optionally broken up into encounters. Monster 1e Monster 2e: You need a fight - any fight! Put in the CR and we'll generate stats for a creature that you can reskin or run straight, no bestiary nee...
Visit thesoftware toolssection, and choose the right version, depending on the edition of D&D/Pathfinder you're playing right now. Look forRandom Dungeon Generator. Coming Soon... Public contribution Rate and review resources Submit resource descriptions ...
Act 3, Random Encounter (Side with Kaylessa throughout her quest) Crippling Kiss Estoc Whenever this +3 keen estoc confirms a critical hit on an enemy, the target suffers a stacking -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the end of the combat. Act 3, Green...