- Apply metamagic feats to your prepared and cast spells. - Try every official Paizo Pathfinder 1e caster class (including core, base, hybrid, prestige and unchained caster classes). Includes wizard, cleric, sorcerer, paladin, arcanist, ranger, shaman, witch and many more. - Import Pathfinde...
Aqshan Flamehair: This powerful wizard freely wanders the streets ofKatheerbabbling seeming nonsense and immolating all who oppose him.6 Alaznist: TheRunelord of Wrathof the ancientThassilonian Empireis said to have been a powerful evoker.78 ...
As for balance, the system asserts that optimal balance will be acheived by keeping allowed classes in the same tier (for the most part...talented players will be able to do more than normal with a Fighter, and a Wizard might not be quite Tier 1 in the hands of a medicore or poor...
In theory, a perfectly built wizard, that has read ahead in the adventure path and memorized the perfect spells, can control a game. Although I've never actually seen this happen in actual play. That dishonor has gone to a druid and a summoner. The druid was the worst. With lots of s...
16 He personally fought off the invader Voradni Voon during the First Siege of Absalom in 23 AR,15 and centuries later defeated the wizard-king Tar-Baphon in 896 AR.174 In addition to his martial achievements, Aroden decreed that the Isle of Erran (located just to the north of the ...
Thus, mortal mages learn spells that are already known to exist by following the same paths that generations of casters before them have dug into the soil of reality; but powerful archmages may shape this metaphysical soil into completely original magic. This approach suggests the potential of ...
Temples of Nethys can take any shape, from that of a wizard's laboratory, to a fortress, or even a small palace. They are always staffed by magically knowledgeable people, and take quite a mercenary approach to their services. Different temples may have a different focus in magic, or a ...
A witch's familiar is slightly different from a wizard's. By forging strange bonds with unnameable beings, witches gain the service of a mystical adviser, a familiar to both serve her and reveal to her secrets unknown to most mortals. Familiars grant witches bonuses to skills, additional spel...
Spells - 623 in 1 source books. Search Spells - When you just want to find all those Creation [fire] spells in Cleric Level 5 or any other specific question. Name Domains and Levels Schools Subschools Descriptor Source Books - Published works containing spells Spell Books - Wizard's spell...
situations, so I did LARGE amounts of dmg per round, and on top of that, I was a fully prepared wizard with so many choices of high lvl spells (at 15 lvl I can cast 7th lvl spells and at 16 lvl 8th lvl spells) for cc or damage etc.. I can almost do everything with this ...