Generally feared and misunderstood, the witch draws their magic from a pact made with an otherworldly power. Communing with that source and using their familiar as a conduit, the witch gains not only a host of spells, but also a number of strange abilities known as hexes. As a witch grows...
The other half of the spell chapter contains the focus spells which is almost entirely the new content presented in this book – Oracle revelations, Witch hexes, spells for the evil champions, and the new sorcerer bloodlines. Other than that, there’s a HANDFUL of monk, bard, ranger spells...
Multiattack feat can be selected by any character, and it works for them the same way it would work for animal companion/eidolon (i.e. either reduces secondary attacks penalty to -2, or gives one iterative attack with primary hand natural weapon if character has less than 3 natural attacks...