hair composed of flowing flame. She emits a holy light which trickles down like liquid luminescence from one hand, while the other holds a scimitar emblazoned with radiant fire. Her holy light provides healing and sustenance, while the scimitar creates gusts of winds that remove disease and ...
DC 20 Medicine check and a transfusion can do the job just as well, but the fact that the Doom of Ten Million Epochs or Black Lotus Extract or whatever high level curse/disease/poison you care to name isn't trivially removed by a plucky level 5 wizard casting remove curse is much ...
Thecurse of the werecreatureis a supernatural curse that resembles adisease. It can be contracted two ways:23 Afflicted werecreature:One who was bitten by a werecreature, such as awerewolforwererat. The affliction remains dormant until the nextfull moon, whereupon the victim undergoes an involun...
casting locate at the correct level when you need it, casting remove curse/disease at a level you can correctly counteract with, all of these are things that are trivial to prepared casters, but costly for spontaneous casters and perhaps even impossible to some martials. I feel like that ...
Encounter builder and combat tracker for Pathfinder 2nd edition.By Ashley Hemerik. © 2024Party Size: remove {{partySize}} add Party Level: remove {{partyLevel}} add visibility_off filter_alt Name & traitsLvl {{ }}{{creature.traits.join(', ')}} {{ creature....
Often there is - A E E history of the disease in the family, or the refractive history is unstable with a measurable R L increase in both myopia and astigmatism over the past several years. There may also be an P E inability to wear contact lenses, along with visual symptoms (reduced ...