sets base skill points of every classes to 1/2 of pnp value (as per consolidated skill rules), and gives bonus skill points to humans and half-orcs only at even levels, since most skills in the game correspond to 2 skills in pnp (optional), replaces favored enemy for Sacred Huntsmaster...
Start with staves (one attack is better than 1 Attack Bonus). Then go into greataxes when you get Grave Singer with that juicy 18-20/x3. You go greataxes instead of fauchards because axes come sooner and to fit in Selective to get more out of Hungry Flesh. Otherwise it plays ...
Ocean's Daughter: The changeling gains a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks. She automatically succeeds at Swim checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from swimming. Sea Lungs: The changeling can survive underwater for longer than usual. You gain the ability to hold your breath for a number of ...