but a few elves refused to abandonGolarion. The exact reasons why they chose to stay behind is still a matter of debate among the elves. Some believe it was out of loyalty to this world, while others suggest that the drow were a political faction who were against the passive elven respons...
Now to pure mechanics. First, you get Trickster feats by Mythic 4 if you go Perception 2 (which you should no matter what brand of Trickster you are playing). It will easily carry you to the endgame as it’s the best team-support path out there, on top of providing a solid power-...
Abrograil Thrune II has the ability to grant demonic “Thrune contracts”; basically, she’s a mortal who’s entrusted to make contracts on Asmodeus’ behalf. They function as an innate magic item with both a passive and an activated effect. BUT, there’s a few drawbacks. First, Thrune...
So this week creates an interesting bit of strategy because our xulgath foes really do “know they’re coming”, in that they’re actively aware of the party’s efforts and have gone from passive protectors of the MacGuffin to an active security force. But we’ll get there in a second....
Once any creature succeeds on its Perception check (whether it's a passive DC or opposed by Stealth) to detect a target, that target is observed/perceived and remains so until something happens to break that "lock", e.g. the target successfully uses Stealth or leaves the vicinity (run, ...