The kineticist is notable for not having spellcasting, and supposedly being “at will,” but the miserable burn mechanic gives the lie to that claim—everything a kineticist does “burns” them and results in unhealable nonlethal damage, and you are limited in how much burn ...
Pathfinder OGL 1E Page Count 200 Added to Catalog 12/27/13 description A dark star fell from the sky bringing with it the end of all things! The sanctity of the world known as Abaddon was shattered when a global apocalyptic event of a meteor impacting the planet causing a destructive eco...
The wounded condition is only lost whenever you are restored to maximum hit points - or benefit from the treat wounds action (a medicine skill check to heal). This solves a number of problems with the PF1 death and dying system, has been extensively playtested, and ca...
6Heal, Inspiring Recovery Mythic Path LevelFeat 1Impossible Domain: Community 2Extra Mythic Ability: Impossible Domain: Madness 3Domain Zealot 4Extra Mythic Ability: Last Stand 5Ranging Shots 6Extra Mythic Ability: Mythical Beast 7Abundant Bane ...
The advice on this page is primarily focused on min maxing (i.e. getting the absolute most combat and mechanics value out of your characters) and may break roleplaying immersion (though some consideration is given to it). Aeon Cosmic balance aficionado. Neutral on pretty much anything. If ...
Before I go on another 2 pager rant on another thread about how people complaining that wizards aren't as powerful is redundant and non-factual, I thought I would revive the Tier list system that had gotten such lively debate in the pf1e days. This is an exercise that is meant to co...
37 (1E)Tian Xia World Guide, pg(s). 192–199 (2E) The Successor State of Shenmen in central Tian Xia is a land of constant rain, known for being a lawless, monster-haunted region where humans are no longer top of the food chain.12 History During the time of Imperial Lung Wa, ...
{rolls 1 on Sense Motive check} Oozy shape spell confirmed! :) --- Seriously though, really excited about the new shifter class. If the shifter isn't a full BAB, spell-less class, I imagine some shifting abilities could be grafted into a bloodrager archetype to replace/alter its blood...
Balor Lords are equivalent in might to thenascent demon lordsand have abilities above and beyond those of ordinary balors. Some can heal themselves by slaying living creatures and others have additionalspell-like abilities. The most feared Balor Lords can inhale the souls of nearby living creatures...
Also, the heal has to be performed within one round: if you heal two or three rounds later, you lose the window. (Also, the effect can only be triggered once per round.) As scary as it looks – and the initial attack on Darius hinted at a much worse outcome – I feel like the ...