Round 1: Fighter charges the troll. Troll fights back and uses a 5' step to keep the fighter at "Reach". Rogue uses Stealth successfully to sneak up behind the troll. But now he cannot Sneak Attack because the troll is not Flatfooted and the there is no Flanking. In that scenario, ...
Fatigued is roughly equivalent to Flat Footed. So it's a heavy damage nerf. Level 2 from: Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 3 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 1d10 poison damage (1 round); Stage 3 2d6 poison damage (1 round) to damage is 1d4...
>>> pprint(d[""]) {'AC': {'AC': 14, 'components': {'dex': 2, 'natural': 2}, 'flat_footed': 12, 'touch': 12}, 'BAB': 1, 'CMB': 2, 'CMD': 14, 'CMD_other': '18 vs. trip', 'CR': 1, 'HP': {'HP': 13,...
AC 15, Touch 10, flat footed 15 (+0 Dex, +5 armour, +0 feats) HP 26 (Hitdie D8) Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5 === OFFENSE Speed 30 Melee Single Attack Mace [1d8, x2 Crit, +6 attack roll] Full Attack [Weapon +0/0 (damage)] Ranged Single Attack [Weapon, +0 (...
Assassinate slayer talent does not require target to be unaware of Slayer, only flat-footed, Sanctified Slayer looses Bane ability, Cult Leader Warpriest gains weapon focus at level 1 instead of bonus combat feat at level 18 and one rouge talent at level 6 instead of combat feat, ...
And you'll never be flat-footed agaain, so long as you have true sight on for invisible stuffs. Can cut initiative wholesale from the build then and take whatever else you fancy 0 thumbs! # Tomasety Mar 21, 23 | reply Thanks for the answer. Would have to test taking powerless ...
Now that Dougie retrained into more of a traditional precision damage rogue, being able to use my bow to give Dougie flat-footed from anywhere in the room is going to be a big help. So the horseman dies… but no cool loot, because he just disappears into mist. So I think there’s ...
I specifically thought of this in the context of Basil’s Shared Stratagem, which lets me give out flat-footed to an ally for one attack, but I dimly remember seeing a couple of other examples as well. I feel like it’s meant to put the brakes on some of these 1E scenarios where ...
Fixed the fight in the Arendae Party House – your party no longer starts the combat flat-footed; Fixed some crashes related to particle effects; Fixed the game hanging instead of returning to the main menu when you complete it; Fixed the visual of Mythic Lich; ...
rushed at and otherwise killed because she also has impossibly high stealth (again, in my expereince unachievable by merc or MC), even on unfair pretty much every ememy needs to roll a 20 to spot her, so blind fight feats are necessary for enemies to avoid flatfooted from an invisible Ar...